A city that boasts old Spanish fortifications alongside contemporary skyscrapers, San Antonio Texas represents the best of past, present and future. Beginning with cattle and sheep, the city has—as time progressed—prospered from textiles and railroads to theme parks and high-tech firms. It is no wonder, then, that San Antonio puts a premium on the education of its youth. Understanding economic competitiveness and cultural diversity as few others do, San Antonians maintain an exceptional school system that carefully balances academic rigor with student well-being. In so doing, the San Antonio Independent School District (ISD) prepares young people to not only succeed in the world, but make a positive difference as well.

Goals and Directions
It is notable that a city founded on Spanish missions is on a mission of its own. That objective is to graduate every student well-suited to higher education and vocational success. While this charge is an ambitious one, it is based on the fundamental belief that every student can learn and thrive irrespective of background. To achieve this audacious goal, SAISD takes care to nurture and protect the students in its care each day. It further accepts that you, as parents, have a stake in their success, and that education is a cooperative effort. Its core values, as published on its website, are:
- Student centered
- High expectations
- Commitment
- Passion
- Integrity
- Respect
- Teamwork
These values are demonstrated in the fact that the San Antonio ISD rates consistently high in Texas and national comparisons.

Readying students for higher education is a top priority for the SAISD. With 49 elementary schools, 16 middle schools and 13 high schools, San Antonio seeks to maintain optimal teacher-student ratios so that no student is inadvertently sidelined or ignored. The core curricula adopted by the ISD’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction consist of:
- English, Language Arts and Reading
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Physical Education
- Fine Arts
Additionally, SAISD has two campuses that offer students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and up to 60 hours of college credit free of charge. This gives many students a chance at college that otherwise may not have been able to afford a traditional 4-year undergraduate education.
Gifted, Talented and Unique
Among the many institutions that comprise the SAISD are six charter schools, or academies, with unique programs—sometimes gender-specific—designed to experiment with alternative curricula to best serve the students’ needs and meet the goals of the district. These are academically challenging and socially enriching schools that are specifically selected by parents whose children are then subject to rigorous admission standards.
In the fall of 2016, the San Antonio ISD will inaugurate a Pre-K through 12 grade advanced learning academy. This entity will serve gifted students through team projects and an emphasis on problem-solving. In so doing, the plan is to reduce traditional barriers like the strict separation of students by grade.
Special Needs
San Antonio also maintains three academies for students that struggle with academics at their appropriate grade level. These schools differ from other special education programs in that they strive to ready their students for standard age-appropriate classrooms as soon as they are able. In addition, the schools are distinctively equipped to educate students with a history of disciplinary problems.
While SAISD is the main district in the San Antonio metropolitan area, there are a number of other school districts in the San Antonio area. If you’re moving to or within San Antonio, make sure you know what district you are zoned for.